On this page you can find full references for the online versions of Keith Dinnie’s papers that are posted on the Online Papers page.
Dinnie, K. (2008), “Japan’s Nation Branding: Recent Evolution and Potential Future Paths”, Journal of Current Japanese Affairs, Vol 16, No 3, pp 52-65.
»Available online
Dinnie, K. and Fola, M. (2009), “Branding Cyprus — A Stakeholder Identification Perspective”, 7th International Conference on Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, July 6-9.
»Available online
Dinnie, K., Melewar, T.C., Seidenfuss, K.-U., and Musa, G. (2009), “Member State Perspectives on the ASEAN Region Brand”, 3rd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau, 2-4 December, pp 151-158.
»Available online
Dinnie, K. (2004), “Country-of-Origin 1965-2004: A Literature Review”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol 3, No 2, pp 165-213.
»Available online
Dinnie, K. (2004), “Place Branding: Overview of an Emerging Literature”, Place Branding, Vol 1, No 1, pp 106-110.
»Available online
Fujita, M. and Dinnie, K. (2010), “The Nation Branding of the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, and Hungary — Contrasting Approaches and Strategies”, 2nd International Conference on Brand Management, IMT Ghaziabad, India, January 8-9.
»Available online
Dinnie, K. (2008), “Nation Branding and Russia: Prospects and Pitfalls”, Forum Comment, Russian Journal of Communication, Vol 1, No 2, pp 199-201.
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Dinnie, K. (2009), “Repositioning the Korea Brand to a Global Audience: Challenges, Pitfalls, and Current Strategy”, Korea Economic Institute Academic Paper Series, December, Vol 4, No 9, pp 1-7.
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Dinnie, K. (2009), “Leveraging Nation Brand Equity — Potential Strategies for Trinidad and Tobago”, Contact, Magazine of Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Vol 9, No 4, pp 12-14.
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Dinnie, K. (2009), Nation Branding Interview — Brief for Poland, No 114/3, 25.03.2009-24.04.2009, Marketing Debate Section, pp 4-5.
»Available online